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Manowar vs. Bathory

edited January 1970 in Yleinen keskustelu
Tästä oli leirilläkin puhetta. Tossa nyt yksi esimerkki:


Ja lisäksi tossa:


kohdat, jossa lauletaan:

Trample on the dead
Ride through the
Gate of clouds


Iron or steel
For we have the
Will to power

niin jos joku on sitä mieltä, ettei ole vaikuttanut Quorthonin vokaalisuorituksiin, niin olenpas kyllä eri mieltä.


  • "Manowar influenced the early Swedish Black Metal band Bathory during their transition from Black metal to their later Viking metal sound. Bathory's lead singer Quorthon stated in a 2002 interview: "In 1986-1988, Bathory had a drummer who was heavily influenced by Manowar. He didn't enjoy any other type of metal, but he was somehow sold on Manowar. It wasn't like we decided to copy what they were doing. However, the typical heavy Manowar beat seemed to perfectly suit my new ideas for lyrics at the time."[5]"

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